Friday, May 30, 2014

23 Mobile Things #4 - Keeping Up

This is one time when being late to the table paid off.  I had to choose between Flipboard and Zite.  Having no initial preference based on description, I read a blog post by another person doing the 23 Things who had chosen Zite and disliked it, hence I picked Flipboard.

Based on her analysis of Zite, Flipboard is just as bad.  I really, really dislike the layout.  I currently follow about 30 RSS feeds using Feedly.  I used to use Google Reader, which I liked, but sadly, it met an untimely demise.  Feedly has served my purpose well since I began using it.  I find the interface intuitive and clean.  Flipboard is crowded, nonlinear, and to my mind, nonsensical.  It's just a mishmash.  I'm looking for information, not entertainment.  Ugh. And I really dislike the flipping.  Just ugh.

I appreciate this Thing, though.  At least I know that Feedly is still what I want for my RSS feeds.

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