Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thing 27 - Twitter

I actually joined Twitter last fall when I needed a screen shot for a class I was teaching. I haven't REALLY used it. Today, I found two people to follow, then tried to upload my picture. I failed miserably. It appeared to load, but never showed up, and now it won't let me try again. Gotta love technology!

Did you know that placing a Twitter badge on your blog or Facebook page requires your updates to be public? That will keep me from doing Number 6. I really don't want the whole world to know when I'm about to drive home from work. Maybe I just have a way smaller ego than most people, but I really don't understand why anyone besides family and close friends would want to follow my every thought and move in 140 characters or less. I think these constant updates are a bit silly. Facebook lets people know what you're doing on a broader time scale, and that I can understand. It's more like the news you would put in a letter to Grandma, if anyone actually still wrote letters. As for Twitter, the only people who would be interested in constantly knowing what I'm doing are my family. Or maybe someone for whom I'm late in providing a ride, but then why don't I just get there sooner rather than take the time to Twitter that I'm late?

I see that the Hibbing Library is trying to post every day, but our library just doesn't have THAT much going on. Facebook would be more our speed. On the other hand, if the critical mass moves to Twitter rather than Facebook, I suppose we'll have to be on Twitter. I wish there were some logic to where the critical mass moves.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Um, I still write letters. Notes, anyway. Occasionally.

By the way, your photo is showing up just fine on Twitter.