Friday, April 17, 2009

Thing 32 Google Maps and Mashups

I created a map of my commuting route with start and end points, but it would not let me draw a line. It said, "Click to draw line", but when I clicked, I got the hand that moved the map. Was it Firefox? Was it because the moon is full? Do I need to reboot my computer? Like Aleph, the ways of Google apps are sometimes mysterious.

I'm trying desperately to think of a use for this at our library, but the only thing I can think of is to link photos to our location. Not particularly inspiring.

In general, I think the best mashups are those you can use when you travel, or that public agencies like the police can use to show where particular types of crime are happening. I've seen some cool mashups, but can't really think what need I would fulfill by creating one.

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